Marseille - Saturday, 1st of October 2022

Visit to the Museum of History of Marseille and Cave Cosquer reconstruction

Maximum 50 people

In the morning, from 10.00 to 12.00 we will enjoy a guided visit to the Musée d'Histoire de Marseille .

In the garden of the Museum, part of the ancient harbour basin of Marseille is conserved together with remains of the city-wall. The interior exhibition features the famous archaic shipwrecks of Jules Verne 7 and 9, among other very well-know shipwrecks and exhibits, covering all periods from the foundation of the Greek colony of Marseille to the evolution of the city at the Medieval period.

We will have the pleasure to have with as Prof. Christophe Morhange (CEREGE-AMU) that will guide us through the ancient harbour complex, while Pierre Poveda (CCJ-CNRS-AMU) will be our guide to the shipwrecks’ exhibition.

In the afternoon, two guided visits to the new Cave Cosquer reconstruction in the Villa Méditerranéenne (Cosquer Méditerranée - Site officiel de la restitution de la Grotte Cosquer (grotte-cosquer.com) have been scheduled at two different time-slots of 20 persons each. The first visit will take place at 14.30 and the second at 14.45. Free time will be available in between the two visits for lunch and to visit the center of Marseille and the Vieux Port square.

Please note that the Villa Méditerranéene is located just next to the MUCEM - Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (https://www.mucem.org/).

At around 18pm we will visit Notre Dame de la Garde, where we will enjoy a panoramic view of Marseille at the sunset.

Logistics: Transport will leave from the CUBE passing also from the ROTONDE (Aix-en-Provence) in the morning at 9.15 (CUBE) and 9.30 (ROTONDE) and will return to the same locations in the evening around 19.30 - 20.00.

Fee: 20 euros (covering the entrance to the Museums and a scheduled guided tour to the Cave Cosquer reconstruction. Lunch in not included).