Scientific committee:
Ass. Prof. Kalliopi Baika, Associate Professor in Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology, Aix-Marseille University, Scientific coordinator of Master MoMArch (Master of Maritime and Coastal Archaeology) – Institute ARKAIA, Centre Camille Jullian (AMU-CNRS-INRAP).
Prof. David Blackman, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (CSAD), University of Oxford.
Prof. Christophe Morhange, Professor of Geomorphology, Aix-Marseille University - Centre de Recherche et d’Enseignement de Géosciences de l’Environnement (CEREGE) / Directeur d'études cumulant - Chaire d'Archéosciences et d'histoire de l'environnement - EPHE-PSL-AOROC (Archéologie et Philologie d’Orient et d’Occident).
Prof. Jean Christophe Sourisseau, Professor of Greek Archaeology – Aix-Marseille University / UNESCO Chair of Maritime and Coastal Archaeology / Director of the Institute for Mediterranean Archaeology (ARKAIA).
Dr. Arnaud Schaumasse, Director of the Département des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques et Sous-Marines (DRASSM), French Ministry of Culture.
Dr. Pari Kalamara, Director of the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Greece.
Prof. Veronique Chankowski, Director of the Ecole Française d’Athènes (EFA).
Dr. Lucy Blue, Director of the Honor Frost Foundation / Senior Lecturer, Centre for Maritime Archaeology.
Dr. Marie-Brigitte Carre, CNRS - Aix-Marseille University, Centre Camille Jullian.
Dr. Souen Fontaine, Direction Scientifique et Technique - Pôle Subaquatique, Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives (INRAP), French Ministry of Culture.
Ass. Prof. Paraskevi Nomikou, Associate Professor in Geological Oceanography and Natural Geography at the Faculty of Geology and Geo-Environment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Prof. Javier Lara Lopez, Professor at IHCantabria - Universidad de Cantabria, Head of the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Infrastructure Group at IH Cantabria, Spain.
Ass. Prof. Konstantinos Karantzalos, Associate Professor at the National Technical University of Athens, Remote Sensing Laboratory, Dept. of Topography.
Despina Koutsoumba, Maritime archaeologist - Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Greece.