Mediterranean Harbour Cities I

27 September - 1 October 2022 - Aix-Marseille University - Aix-en-Provence - Le Cube (Schuman Campus)

Call for papers and key themes:


The Master of Maritime and Coastal Archaeology ( MoMArch - Aix-Marseille University ) with the support of the Mediterranean Archaeology Institute - ARKAIA | Aix-Marseille Université and H2020 NEANIAS Project are organising the 1st International Conference of Mediterranean Harbour and Coastal Archaeology under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair in Maritime and Coastal Archaeology of Aix-Marseille University.

The Conference will be held in presence at Le Cube THE CUBE | Aix-Marseille Université in Aix-en-Provence from the 27th September to the 1st of October 2022. Livestreaming will be available at our dedicated website.

During the Conference, we will host the H2020 NEANIAS Project workshop, where all participants will have the opportunity to test interactively three Innovative Underwater Services (Bathymetry mapping, Seafloor mosaicking and Seabed Classification) now developed for the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud).

The Conference aspires to be the follow up of the Conferences on Harbour Archaeology initiated in 1983 by the pioneers of harbour archaeological research in the Mediterranean. In 2022, the key theme will focus on Ancient Mediterranean Harbour-cities and it is organised under the framework of the Aigina Harbour-city project (2019-2023) now running in the Aegean Sea ( - website under construction ).

Besides the key theme, the conference welcomes papers covering a wide range of subjects, new discoveries and current underwater and coastal fieldwork research, documentation and interpretation on ancient harbours and coastal sites in the Mediterranean. As important recent research and several Int. conferences have focused on the roman and mediaeval periods, current archaeological research and documentation on the pre-roman period will be prioritised.

English will be the official language of the Conference. More specifically we are welcoming papers for the following subjects:

Key themes: - Ancient Mediterranean Harbour-cities: New discoveries, documentation and interpretation through recent underwater and coastal archaeological research and/or the study of iconographic and written sources: diachronic evolution, harbour facilities, harbour topography and fortification, economic and naval networks, administration, legislation, socio-economic framework, daily life, among others.

- Research subjects, but not exclusively:
➢ Harbour infrastructure and facilities; harbour construction techniques; harbour archaeo engineering
➢ Innovative methodologies in shallow-water geoarchaeological prospections
➢ Issues of climate change impacts on Mediterranean coastal sites and integrated management of the coastal zone

- New discoveries, recent archaeological fieldwork, documentation and interpretation in harbour and coastal Mediterranean archaeology

Abstract submission for papers and posters should consist of 300 words with the applicant’s name, address, institutional affiliation and abstract title. Please send your abstracts to the email provided below by the 15th of June 2022 (extension of deadline).

Oral communications and poster presentations will be published at peer-reviewed Conference proceedings.

Further information about Registration fees and Grants to attend will be available soon at our website.

Supporting Institutions:
- ARKAIA - AMU - Institut d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne, Aix Marseille University
- MoMArch - AMU - Master of Maritime and Coastal Archaeology, Aix Marseille University
- H2020 Project NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
- CCJ (AMU - CNRS - INRAP) - Centre Camille Jullian
- CEREGE - AMU - Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement
- EPHE - École Pratique des Hautes Études
- DRASSM - Département des recherches archéologiques subaquatiques et sous-marines, French Ministry of Culture
- HFF - Honor Frost Foundation
