Aigina Harbour city Project 2019-2023 is an interdisciplinary project focusing on the systematic study of the submerged and coastal archaeological infrastructure of the city-harbour of Aigina diachronically, from the Archaic to the Byzantine period.
The research project is a collaboration between the French School of Athens and the Ephorate of Underwater antiquities with the cooperation of Aix-Marseille University (MoMArch - ARKAIA - Centre Camille Jullian) and five international partners under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair in Maritime and Coastal Archaeology of Aix-Marseille University.
The main research objective is the landscape reconstruction and interpretation of the maritime façade of the Aigina harbour-city through the centuries.
Methodologically, interdisciplinary studies consist of systematic underwater and coastal archaeological research, marine and coastal geophysical prospections, archaeometric analysis and in situ restoration and conservation of archaeological remains.