Open Public Events

Underwater guided tours and evening underwater illumination of the submerged naval harbour of Aigina

Saturday, July 15, 2023
The Aigina Harbor city Project team invites you to a presentation and underwater guided tour of the archaeological site of the ancient, submerged harbour of Aigina. The international project of maritime archaeological research is carried out under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair of Maritime and Coastal Archeology and the UNESCO Unitwin network, under the direction of the Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, the French School of Archeology at Athens and the University of Aix-Marseille in collaboration with five European institutions.
With the support of the Municipality of Aigina, the Port Authorities of Aigina and the Institute of Mediterranean Archaeology – ARKAIA – Aix-Marseille Université

Program - Invitation

- 9.30 am Morning snorkelling guided tour - Free entry (reservation required)

"The Ancient Submerged Naval Harbour of Aigina"
Brief presentation of the remains of the ancient port settlement of Aigina by archaeologist Despina Koutsoumba, Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities.
Three guided tours with masks and fins in the ancient naval harbour of Aigina (Avra Beach).
Meeting point at Avra Beach, at the entrance of the Archaeological Museum of Aigina.
Guided tour hours: 9.30 am (in Greek) - 10.30 am (in Greek and English) - 11.30 am (in English and French)
To participate at the snorkeling tours, the following are necessary: 1. mask, 2. snorkel, 3. Fins 4. Sunscreen 5. Water 6. Hat
For safety reasons, each tour will consist of twenty (20) people per tour. For participation, register via the e-mail:

- 21.00 pm Event: Illumination of the submerged Naval harbour of Aigina - Free Entry

With the participation of the professional team of Stefanos Kontos (In a single breath) the research project will proceed at the illumination of the underwater submerged remains.
A short presentation of the research project will take place before the event for the public at Avra Beach and transmission of illumination on a screen accompanied by music.